Journal of Applied Materials Engineering

(ISSN: 2658-1744) Open Access Journal
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Journal of Applied Materials Engineering (JAME) is no longer published on JAMS (MDPI publishing platform) as of 15.10.2021. Articles remain hosted at by courtesy of JAMS and upon agreement with the journal owner until the publications are transferred to a new website.

Editorial Board

  1. Editorial Board is responsible for deciding, which articles submitted to the journal should be published and for everything published in the quarterly. In making these decisions, the Editor-in-Chief should be guided by the policy of the journal’s Editorial Board, as well as by legal requirements governing the copyright infringement and plagiarism. During making decisions regarding publication, the Editor may consult other members of the Editorial Board and Reviewers. The Editor should keep the standards adopted in academic publications, exclude practices that expose ethical standards and intellectual and be ready to publish corrections, explanations and apologies when needed.
  2. The Editor-in-Chief should evaluate sent manuscripts for intellectual content irrespective of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship or political beliefs of the Author/Authors. The Editor does not reveal any information about the paper under consideration except to the Author/Authors, Reviewers or potential Reviewers and the Editorial Board members and the Editorial Committee of the quarterly.
  3. Editorial Board may not disclose any information about a submitted paper to anyone except the Author/Authors, Reviewers and potential Reviewers, other editorial consultants (including translator, language corrector) and the publisher.
  4. The Editor's task is to ensure a fair and substantive review. Therefore, before starting the review process, the Editor should disclose any conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, cooperation, other relationships and connections with each of the Authors, companies, institutions associated with the submitted papers. Editors should require all contributors to disclose significant conflicts of interest and publish corrections when conflicting interests have been disclosed after the publication of the paper. Other actions may be taken, such as the publication of a retraction or expression of concern.

Competing interests

Other terms of this phenomenon are conflict of obligations and conflict of loyalty. A conflict of interest exists when an Author or entity which represents, a Reviewer or an Editor is involved in financial or personal relationships that inappropriately influence his/her actions. The potential impact on scientific judgment oscillates between negligible and very large. Examples of conflicts of interest are most often related to financial relations, such as employment, receiving wages, making paid consultations and expert opinions, as well as personal relationships or scientific competition. These types of situations carry the risk of undermining the credibility of the journal, authors, and even scientific research. Each Author and Reviewer, in whose case there is any kind of conflict of interest, is obliged to report this fact to the Editorial Board. 

Publisher’s confirmation

In cases of scientific misconduct or plagiarism, the Publisher will take all appropriate measures to clarify the situation and make amendments to a specific article. This includes the prompt publication of errata or, in justified cases, the withdrawal of an article from the journal.

Information for Editors

Editorial Board Competing interests Publisher’s confirmation

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